Wildlife Control

Nuisance wildlife includes numerous animals in this area. McGee Pest Control’s professional technicians are experienced and certified to control wildlife problems. 

moles wildlife control


Many homeowners work diligently on their backyards only to have these animals move in. Moles will burrow under the grass leaving rugged hills and dead grass. While moles aren’t eating plant roots, their foraging for grubs subsequently kills plants. McGee Pest Control possesses two different options to control moles. Contact us to discusses the best management options for you. 


Raccoons are believed to be one most intelligent species on the planet. Couple this with their powerful claws and social nature, they present quite the challenge for homeowners and pest management professionals. Raccoons are always looking for new shelter and food sources, making urban areas ideal for their survival. If raccoons begin living in an attic or crawl space, they can pose a number of structural and health concerns for the home owner. McGee Pest Control practices live trapping control, whenever applicable. 

raccoon wildlife control
snake wildlife


Many snake encounters are happenstance and are no need for concern. However, some homes have a surrounding environment that increases encounters. Buildings situated around forested areas, heavy debris, or watersheds are all common problem areas. There are a number of methods to prevent snake encounters. McGee Pest Control uses a combination of habitat removal and a repellent to keep snakes out of the desired area. 


Opossum scavenge and wonder around urban areas looking for food and shelter. Live trapping armadillo involves inspecting the area of concern, the baiting a live trap to remove the animal. Opossum are know to live solitary lives as well as in groups. 

opossum or possum wildlife
ground hog wildlife

Ground Hogs

Ground Hogs don’t directly pose threat to humans. However, they do dig extensive tunnels through the soil. These tunnels can cause many issues and can effect the structural integrity of a building. In fall, ground hogs are busy foraging for food to make it through the winter, where they hibernate for up to 6 months. McGee Pest Control practices live trapping of ground hogs with bait, whenever applicable. 


Squirrels pose quite the problem for home owners. Most commonly, squirrels chew holes or scratch openings into structures seeking a place to nest. Once inside, they can destroy wiring, insulation, and cause a number of problems. Squirrel control can be achieved through live trapping or kill trapping. Both can be viable options and should be discussed with your pest control professional. 

squirrel wildlife control
skunk wildlife control


Many knows skunks infamous spray, creating a stench worth bathing in tomato juice. Besides their smell, skunks also dig through homeowners properties eating a wide variety of plants and vegetables. Trapping skunks involves a thorough inspection, identifying a food source, then baiting with the food source. McGee Pest Control practices live trapping when applicable. 


While armadillo aren’t native to this area, they seem to flourish in the western Kentucky area. The nine-banded armadillo species are now a major concern for homeowners. They can become a nuisance through a number ways. Most prominently, armadillo are expert diggers. They dig small holes in the ground looking for grubs, they also dig major burrows to shelter in. Trapping armadillo may be tricky because of their nomadic nature. But if a burrow is found, armadillo can successfully be controlled. 

armadillo wildlife control
mice and rat wildlife control

Rats & Mice

Most rat and mice infestations can be controlled with a regular pest control service. They are both seeking food and shelter in our homes. However rats and mice have different habits that need special consideration. McGee Pest Control will use a combination of baiting and trapping to control these rodents. See our general pest control page for information about a service.